I'm cross posting this from another thread and it is an expansion of a comment I made earlier on this thread.
A Believer, you should have the balls and integrity to respond to this and all other points made by the posters here.
A Believer,
Regarding the 1975 thread my stance is that while many were expecting it, it was never said to be a definite thing or was it said that Jehovah told them it would be that year.
I believe I responded to that on one of your threads but I never got a reply. Here it is again.
In 1974 I went to a special talk at the Inglewood Public Forum (Sothern California) to listen to a talk about 1975 from none other than Frederick Franz. He was then vice-president of the Watchtower.
He specifically said that the end would occur anywhere from a few months to a few years after September of 1975. He specifically excluded the possibility that it would be decades after 1975. Using the logic of the "Adam and Eve gap" he said that if it were to take decades than that would mean that Adam would have been without a mate for that long and that would tempt Adam into bestiality!!!
His statement, in his sing song voice, was: "Would Jehovah let Adam to be tempted into bestiality? Noooo brothers and sisters."
This statement came from the pinnacle of the governing body thus contradicting what you said about them having not made a direct statement on the matter.
Now what's your response?